Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I want to try blogging more consistent & combine the Farm and some at the Beck's Mill. Sooo...

Yesterday afternoon I was out in the sheep pen just visiting and noticed lots of ewes kicking off the lambs. Ummm....Just what I wanted to see. I have several sold and needed to start weaning. We were out in the feed area so I got up to shut the gate. When David got home I told him I had them caught so after supper we went out and moved them up to a front pen. They are all doing well today. It probably helps that the big boys are across the driveway from them. We have 2 more lambs to catch and will try to do that in the next couple afternoons when I catch them in the right place.

My garden is doing great. I start gathering green beans on Thursday evening. Usually pick all day on Fridays and do well selling on Saturday. It won't be long til I have some peppers and egg plants ready. Corn is doing excellent this year. Makes me want to go sleep with it in case some coon comes a calling...

Last Sunday at the Mill was a busy one. I enjoy it when people come in that have their family history well tracked out. Grandma Agnes Beck's grandchildren came in. We enjoyed visting with them. We at the Mill are planing a Washington County Day. We want to have a cornmeal cook off at that time. Stay tuned for more info. Do you have any favorite cornmeal recipes we could publish in a cook book? Please send them in soon. I saw a picture of the Mill today that showed the lean to on the side of the mill where the creek is if you can imagine that. I had been told that the wool processing equipment had been in a lean too. Someone asked me where the lean to was and I just had to say I didn't know so I was really glad to get the answer to my question seeing that picture. All those trees were not always around the Mill so it is more beautiful than ever around there.

I am heading outside to do some feeding the chickens. Need to mow. It is going to rain tomorrow. Seems like I can't stay ahead of the weeds...Maybe can til some in the garden when David gets home to help start the tiller. He has to help start it. Needs the cable worked on.

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