Saturday, January 23, 2010


This morning was David's banjo lesson. The drive over was much nicer this week than 2 weeks ago in that snow. It is some nice country out that way. I am liking the banjo lessons, it gives Ellen & I a minute to talk. Seems hard to believe it is time to start thinking Farmer's Market. It will be fun to go to a Farmer's Market get together the 20th of Feb. I am going to try to get word out to everybody I can think of...One of the Eldridge's had a lesson after us so they came in & we visited w/them some before we headed out.

I had to get out a shipment of brown mohair locks going to OR...We dropped them off at PO when we got back to Orlean's.

Then went on to Paoli to get groceries and stopped at Mexican food restaurant. Ran by & saw David's Mom & Dad & on back to house.

Now I need to get back to sorting wool. I have 30lbs done & shipped to have more felting roving. Am working on my finer wool for yarn. All takes time. I have the washer going, doing dishes and sorting wool so I guess I better egt back at it. David is bringing more wood pellets in & then going ouut with hoof trimmers to take a look at everybody after all this rain...

Monday, January 18, 2010

IT'S MONDAY....not to bad!

I am taking a minute out from sorting wool this fine foggy Monday morning...
I have to get this wool out of here and shipped up to Michigan so I can have felting roving. I am making a list a checking it twice getting ready for the First fiber festival. Stayed tuned for the first one details. I am waiting to be confirmed.
Jarrod's Hannah was over yesterday. Bless her heart. He won't even let her sleep in. He goes and gets her bright and early Sunday morning...We enjoyed pizza for lunch and everybody just did their own thing as the day went...
Em's been working on homework over the weekend and she is working on getting more organized. Poor child, she can't gain to much knowledge there from her Mom. But I am trying also. I bought plastic boxes at Home Depot the other day. David & I bought a trailer to keep our booth supplies in. I now have the clear boxes to put my inventory in...We have to get a rack built in to hold tables and shelves. Maybe there is hope for us...
Yesterday I went to the barn to get a couple sheep fleeces to go w/ the felting mohair. I got into one and knew right away it would go for yarn roving. Got the second one sorted and had to go back out to get more...I do love sorting fleece. I have been doing it long enough now I am seeing what I have pretty quick....The wool processor likes for us to put sheep wool w/mohair to keep it calm when it is being processed. The mohair can get to flying...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Got everyone tucked in for the night....

I had the feed mixed up and ready when David got home. I filled the buckets and had them ready as he fed ea pen. The snow is almost kinda slick now and was really work to walk on. David said it is like walking on bunches of marbles. I came in and sat down. Got back up about an hour later and boy do my legs feel it. I had my leg work out....

I had to put a blanket coat on the donkey. He was shivering. Last night I put a bale of hay in the barn trying to get him to stay in there. Everytime I went out today he would be in there chowing down...but I noticed he was still shivering so went and got out a coat. We had to hold onto him to get it on it but he settled in quick...

My earlier post said we had temps below freezing 4 days. I was wrong. They say they have been below freezing since before the first of the year...I am banking on the sun to shine Sunday. It won't be above freezing but I hope they are right when they tell us the sun will shine...

I am heading to bed. David has banjo lesson in the morning. I think I am going with him. I think we will run to Tractor Supply and get some gates and feed when we get finished...


Well, it is freezing here for about the 4th day in a row and they tell us we have at least that many left to go before it warms up. Seems all we have been doing is putting hay in feeders and refilling water tanks... BUT, so far everybody is ok...

I have been working on my kitchen. David is making me a set of shelves that go all the way to the ceiling. I am in the painting mode on those. I am doing one section at a time. Got all the sides etc painted now I need to paint ea shelf. I am thinking we may have to shave off just a tiny bit. I got the corner cleaned and painted where I will put a new refrig. I have to get some dishes packed up and spices moved because I intend to tear out 2 cabinets and have refirg and freezer side by side...I have been every place imaginable looking at refrigs and freezers...I like just the simple refrigs ...I really liked the one I had and they darn near don't make them good looking anymore....

2009 was very good to us and I have been very busy getting my game plan together for 2010. I am going to a couple extra Fiber Events I didn't go to last year. Getting my garden list together. Oh, Yes....I am going to Ivy Tech to take a accounting class. Nothing major. I got into the same class as Em...which it is evening but we had to think about lambing time. David will get back to the house and I will just be leaving in case we have a lamb watch going on...

I was just out feeding chickens and watering them. I mixed up feed for everybody else so when David gets home it won't be hard to get everybody fed....

I am heading to make a corn casserole. Made jello and strawberries this morn. Baked chicken. Just pulled mince meat pie out of oven...The kids are here today. Em called off work which she has never done. She has a pretty bad cold and then the roads are pretty crummy. This was Jarrod's reg day off...Em has tomorrow off and Jarrod goes back to work...

Boy do I have crackes on my hands. Guess I am going to have to get vaseline out and socks....

We have our hands full right now with the cats. I have a couple with a pretty good chest cold...I am hoping the roads are good enough in the morning for me to go back to the vet and get more med...