Monday, January 18, 2010

IT'S MONDAY....not to bad!

I am taking a minute out from sorting wool this fine foggy Monday morning...
I have to get this wool out of here and shipped up to Michigan so I can have felting roving. I am making a list a checking it twice getting ready for the First fiber festival. Stayed tuned for the first one details. I am waiting to be confirmed.
Jarrod's Hannah was over yesterday. Bless her heart. He won't even let her sleep in. He goes and gets her bright and early Sunday morning...We enjoyed pizza for lunch and everybody just did their own thing as the day went...
Em's been working on homework over the weekend and she is working on getting more organized. Poor child, she can't gain to much knowledge there from her Mom. But I am trying also. I bought plastic boxes at Home Depot the other day. David & I bought a trailer to keep our booth supplies in. I now have the clear boxes to put my inventory in...We have to get a rack built in to hold tables and shelves. Maybe there is hope for us...
Yesterday I went to the barn to get a couple sheep fleeces to go w/ the felting mohair. I got into one and knew right away it would go for yarn roving. Got the second one sorted and had to go back out to get more...I do love sorting fleece. I have been doing it long enough now I am seeing what I have pretty quick....The wool processor likes for us to put sheep wool w/mohair to keep it calm when it is being processed. The mohair can get to flying...

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