Sunday, August 30, 2009


What a beautiful day! We had to run over to the Mill after lunch. I had made contact with a Fiber Mill over in OH to buy some wool. They loved the old wool machines and had wanted to come take a look at them. They made it out today. The machines need a little more help and everybody learned lots. I took my spinning wheel and sat there and spun with another lady and visited with people as they came up to take a look at the second floor at the Mill...

David and I excused ourselves when they saw the problem with the machines and nothing else could be done. We came on back and got a couple goats sheared. Just got that done and a guy called and wanted to come look at goats. He is real interested. We encouraged him to bring his wife back over and visit. We will bring the goats up to the barn and close them up in a pen. We will set some chairs in the pen and just let the people see if they really conect with the goats...

I just came in from the garden. Jarrod mowed down all the corn stalks etc. David will plow in the next day or 2 so we can get the garlic in hopefully before it rains.

We had a good week around here. Sold one puppy. Still have more to go...Had a busy day at Farmers Market. I have sold out of all my felting kits. I have to get busy putting more of those together. I washed load of wool and need to get another load in soaking tonight. I sent some wool back to OH to be processed. I hope I can get it back in time for The Corydon Fiber show. It isn't long til then. I have lots to do to get ready.

I found a kitty on the side of the road the other evening when I went to the vet. I brought it home thinking I could give it away and it hasn't worked so it looks like it is nestling in here.

I better get this day rounded up here. Tomorrow will be another busy one.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's Saturday....

What a busy day...Farmer's Market went well this morning. We had Spaghetti Squash this morning and then we passed out recipes to go with them and the different kinds of peppers... Some ladies that had bought Sweet Annie Anise came by to order their bunches ...Both ladies own Antique shops. I had just noticed this week when mowing it was starting to put on seeds. I smell Fall in the air.

I came home after market and David went to Bloomington. We need to add a dog pen. Probably will just fix both ends of a pen we have and go from there....

Em just text and she is going to work extra and Jarrod has gone to Bloomington w/ Hannah. His one book he needs for school is at Barnes and Noble. They were going to get that and then get me a spinning wheel maintenance kit at Yarns Unlimited.

I came in to cool off after mowing on the tree line. Guess I better get back at it...

Friday, August 28, 2009


BOY IS IT HOT IN INDIANA NOW...We are paying for all the cool days. It was a busy day yesterday keeping everybodies water buckets full. I made sure all the pens had loose salt for heat stress.

I have been out this morning working on the rabbit area. Washing wool. Did a little mowing. I guess here after lunch I will start picking produce for tomorrow at Farmer's Market.

We sold a Border Collie Pup yesterday evening. The guy took a male. He melted right to the guy. That is always good to see.

We put up another 20 or so bales of hay in the barn yesterday evening. The barns are looking nice being full of hay. David thinks we can get one more good cutting of alfalfa. It will have been a good year for hay...

Thursday, August 27, 2009


We went to friends house last night for supper. They had some fresh chickens to serve fried up. Oh, it was so good. Had a fresh tomato salad, green beans, potatoes & gravy, fresh biscuits. Some more friends came from about 15 miles the other direction. She brought a rice dish. I got some good ideals for some new dishes to have around here...OK, I must confess. I took dessert and cheated. I went to grocery store to buy mine. I spent alot of time out cleaning chicken and goat pen yesterday. Time slipped up on me. While we were at it last night we went ahead and celebrated David's Birthday... We enjoyed eating outside. After dark the sky was good and clear and the stars were easy to see...All the kids had a good time playing.